
  • Kitchen & Bath

  • Room Remodels

  • Commercial Business Renovations

  • Flooring Installation

  • Drywall

  • Electric

  • Trim

  • Interior / Exterior Painting
  • Patio

  • Concrete

  • Pavers

At Caravan G.C., we offer comprehensive remodeling solutions tailored to both residential and commercial needs in the Orlando area. Whether you’re looking to revamp your kitchen and bath with modern fixtures and finishes, undertake a full room remodel, or renovate your commercial business space, our experienced team is here to deliver exceptional results. We provide expert flooring installation, including hardwood, tile, and vinyl, and offer precision drywall and trim work to enhance the interior aesthetics of your property. Our interior and exterior painting services will refresh and transform your spaces, while our patio and driveway services ensure durable and stylish outdoor living areas. With a commitment to quality craftsmanship and customer satisfaction, Caravan G.C. is dedicated to bringing your vision to life, making your property a true reflection of your style and functionality needs.